are many shows in which violence and immorality are shamelessly practiced and
praised. Little Men provides a happy respite from most of such
worldly ways. The series has a family warmth. When I see the
children, as well as adults, working together, sharing their feelings, ironing
out differences, I smile and am thankful for such a show. Values of
kindness and friendship are woven throughout the series, and even a positive
acknowledgement of God from time to time. The characters are not perfect,
yet they try to honor the right things in this world.
Even so, there are flaws in the morals of the
series. Perhaps the imperfections are but reflections of sinful human
beings, but I still inwardly cringe. Take, for example, the
"innocent" lies the children tell one of the housekeeper applicants
(Mrs. Wade) in the episode Family Business (hear
the clip). Some of it, perhaps, might be true, or merely exaggerated,
but it seems extremely reasonable to think they are telling some falsehoods. (Can you
imagine Jo letting anyone freeze to death in the barn?!) I suppose Jo
would have reproved them all if she had known about their deceit, but the
episode seems to be trying to make you laugh at their sly and deceptive actions
against the applicants, and some of it is rather funny and seemingly
harmless (such as the molasses and frogs). But if one believes the
Bible, these acts are not in accord with the command to respect your elders and
to do unto others as you would have them do to you. A straightforward
approach would have been much better. . . . The children could have discussed their
concerns with Jo and Asia, and perhaps Jo would have stopped asking for
applicants and let Asia decide first whether she wanted to stay or leave.
On the whole, the episode has good teachings, but there could have been a better
way of doing it.
In Blame, Franz tells Jo he hit into a door,
instead of the truth that Dan punched him. Franz was trying to show that
he had forgiven Dan and did not want to make anything of it to Jo. But is
a lie ever right? Some say yes, but I believe that any lie, no matter how
well-meaning, is wrong. There is another example of lying "to help
out" in the episode Civil Disobedience. Mr. McBride is asking
about the accidents that have happened at Plumfield . . .
McB.: |
But these sorts of accidents seem to follow Tommy around, don't they? |
He does tend to get hurt more than the rest of us. |
McB.: |
Can you give me any other examples? |
No. I'm afraid I can't recall any. |
Surely Emil had some remembrance of Tommy's other
In Father Figure and Three Angry Women,
Dan and Amy use the Lord's name in vain.
Things like these, however small they may seem, should
not be laughed at or said to be good deeds. It is true that many people
have different views of what is wrong and what is right, and that many people
say that there are no universal absolutes—but isn't saying there are no universal
absolutes an absolute in itself? Many people do think that there are
absolutes, but they disagree as to the source of the absolutes. Some think
absolutes are according to what our duty lies in. Some say we should do
what is the 'greatest good for the greatest number' of people. Some say
the Bible is the source of all absolute truths. Some don't know what to
think. I propose to you that the Bible is indeed the source of all
truth. Other sources verify that Jesus lived, and Jesus claimed to be the
Son of God. Jesus could not have been a "good man" if He lied
about Himself being the Son of God. The Old Testament includes many
prophesies from God which tell of the Messiah, and they all fit the description
of Jesus. The Bible is described as "the inspired Word of
God." However, I will not go into more detail. While reason may
be used to give a person a superficial belief in Christ and the Bible, it cannot
persuade people to put their whole life under God's control. Only faith,
given by God, can do that.
Besides this, there are a few Little Men
episodes which do not encourage Biblical truth. The Lantern Man,
while partially fun and harmless, mixes "ghost stories" in with
it. Ghost stories are just harmless entertainment, right? Well, I
would not be too sure about that. In fact, "ghosts" may really
be another name for demons, Satanic spirits spoken of in the Bible. To be
giving gifts to and talking to a "ghost" (a supposedly departed spirit
of a person) is to step on the side of danger. The episode Looking
Forward also goes against the Bible. While we should certainly not be
prejudiced towards any nationality of people, we should be careful not to
believe everything they do. Indian spirit guides are likely demonic, and
Dan goes on a "Indian vision quest" and prays to the spirits. Jo
even goes along with this by encouraging Dan to go on the quest. The
Weaker Sex is another episode which departs from the Bible. This is a
controversial and difficult subject, but the Bible does teach that women are the
weaker vessel and that the men are to be the head of the house, to provide for
their wives. Wives are to be submissive to their husbands (Ephesians
5:22-24, Colossians 3:18). The Bible, however, does teach that women
should be industrious and can work from home, and in no way teaches that women
are to be valued less than men. Women often have different strengths and
different callings than men. God did use a female judge in a time when
there were few godly men on the earth, and godly women were valued and spoken
highly of in many passages. The Bible also says that men need to love
their wives (Ephesians 5:25-33).
Men, with all its flaws, is basically a good series, and obviously is one of
my favorite TV series, or I would not have made this Little Men
website. I am merely pointing out that this series, like every other, does
have problems, and that we all need to take the things they do with a
"grain of salt."
(Taking Philosophy at the Christian college I went to may have something to do with the wordy, philosophical sentences in this article. =o)) If I have angered anyone, I am sorry, but I do not take anything back.
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