I am a born again Christian that does not
believe that swearing, violence, and lies are right . . . but I
understand why the writers of "Little Men" put things like
that in there. Take for example the episode "Tough Choices",
in which Jasper teaches Dan how to shoot a gun--which is prohibited on
Plumfield. We may wonder why Dan didn't tell anyone, but we forget that
Jasper was Dan's best friend, and therefore it would have been EXTREMELY
hard for Dan to turn him in. And I believe that the scene with the gun
was a good addition, considering that's how Jasper was, and you
shouldn't try to mask that.
I'd like to repsond to a few of the
things you (Melissa) posted, if you don't mind:
(1) Yes, swearing is a sin and should be
avoided because God told us too. And although I think "Little
Men" didn't NEED any cursing, it reflects how the characters would
act . . . in the sinful ways that man do. The same applies to lying.
(2) You seemed to disagree with Jo and the
other women in the episode "The Weaker Sex." Yes, the Bible
says women are to be submissive to their husbands, but--correct me if
I'm wrong--that wasn't the issue in this episode. The women were trying
to get the right to vote, and that is a right that belongs to women,
being equal to men.
(3) I, personally, would not have let Dan
go on his spirit quest, because I believe something entirely different.
But I try to be respectful toward other religions, and wouldn't call
them "demonic". I try to keep in mind how I would feel if
someone caleld MY religion that, and therefore I won't say it.
Thank you for reading my
God Bless,
Hi, Sierra,
Thanks for writing! I understand your response,
but don't altogether agree. I don't mind the gun part with Jasper;
I agree it adds character. And I don't necessarily think that they
should have cut out all lying, because that wouldn't be very realistic.
I wish at least, though, that the lying would always be treated as
wrong, not okayed, as in the episode "Blame," in which Franz
tells Jo he hit into a door. It doesn't say that was right, but it
is implied by the tone, and how it made Dan smile (I think Dan smiled).
As for including swearing because it may be
realistic, I don't agree that we should always strive for reality.
I don't like to hear cuss words/the Lord's name taken in vain, and I
would rather have an unrealistic show than a highly unpleasant one.
I'm not sure "The Weaker Sex" directly
dealt with submissiveness to husbands, but being allowed to vote I don't
think belongs both to men and women. Yes, we are equal in most
respects, but I think since the man is the stronger vessel (though not
necessarily mentally) and I believe meant to be the leaders, they should
be the ones to make the decisions regarding voting. That's how
I've been raised, anyway, and I guess I agree. (I am a bit
confused about that point since I don't know all of my parents
arguments, and forgive me if I don't make sense or if I'm inconsistent.)
I didn't say for sure that the Indian's religion is
demonic, but it's certainly not of God.
Anyway, thanks for your e-mail. I don't like to
get into "arguments" too much, but I don't mean to be really
argumentative. I just regard it as an interesting disscussion. =)
-Melissa (aka: Honey Bee)
Thanks for replying. I think we're in agreement about most
things. I'm glad there was no swearing in "Little Men" too,
and, yes, you can post this if you like.
