Coming Attractions Thoughts
![]() In "Coming Attractions" who do you feel are the 3 couples attracted to each other in similar and different ways ![]() ![]() What do you think Edward Trenton liked about Meg, since he was smitten with her? What were your favorite scenes? ![]() ![]() Of course, like many of you, I loved it when the 3 sisters rode in the buggy and Meg yelling EDWARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! ~Margot~ I saw this episode only once last december...let me try to remember...if there is something I can't forget about this episode is how Jo and Nick were close when working for Rob's arch!!! And Jo's little looks when she was working and realizing how smart, and cute, and nice and sweet...Nick was! !!!! And I liked the scene when Amy tells Jo she feels guilty because she likes Nick because that was so true!!!and also because it's strange how people see what you don't see (or don't want to see) yourself!! well, of course it's great at the end when Jo asks Nick to help her finish the arch...because...well, just because! ![]() - jo scully Cute, jo scully...those
are very good scenes. Thank you for your contribution!
You are correct, Honey Bee, about the 3
couples in question. Good scenes, too. What happened to your last cut off ~Margot~
This episode is one of my absolute
favourites, so I have naturally watched it over and over and over...and
over again. The interaction between Nick and Jo delights me every time I
watch "Coming Attractions," because it is so incredibly
realistic. Speaking from experience (I can actually say that!), it is really awkward when a significant relationship buds,
especially when one (Jo) of the two people is not used to being showered
with (limited) loving attention. "Stories tell you that you can shape
the narrative of your life. It's a way of being in the world. That's
huge." -Joey Xanders-
This is also one of my favorite episodes. I
have several scenes that I like in this episode. The one in the barn
with Nick and Jo that Jo Sully mentioned is great one. I also love the
one in the kitchen where Nick looks up while Jo is descending the steps
and he drops his food. You can tell she felt a little self conscious
when he told he she looked great. You could also see that Jo realized
she had feelings for Nick in the scene in the barn where he has her help
him glue the roof on the arc. Her look said it all and it was obvious
she got uncomfortable when she go too close to him. The scene in the
kitchen between Asia and Nick where he asks if Jo ever mentions him is
another great scene. The look on his face when she tells him she's fond
of him is priceless. I could go on and on but I think I've babbled on
long enough.
Those are nice pictures, Macayla Jo. - Melissa (aka: Honey Bee) |