Bluffing Thoughts
"I wish Nick could have been there. I don't know how he's working today, after being up all night." (Jo saying to Laurie) ~~~Do you think it was any of Jo's business to wonder where Nick was all night just because he works for her? Was it nosiness or was it her feelings for him that motivated the question or both?~~~ ~~~Nan used Nat's story to impress Franz. Did the temporary cheating help her or hinder her?~~~ ~~~What lesson did Laurie learn concerning playing poker and his daughter Bess?~~~ ~~~How did Nick
end up being more responsible than Laurie and why didn't Jo give Nick
enough credit? Is it because Laurie is more polished and Nick isn't and
that's what Jo looks at ~~~How did Jo's strategic way get Nan to confess to cheating?~~~ JO NICK JO NICK JO ~~~What did you think of Jo's above comments to Nick?~~~ Have fun! ~Margot~ wow, so many questions at the same time Margot !! let me give my opinion on some of them, I've seen this episode only once and in December so... I think Jo has a "motherly" attitude with everyone so many she wondered about Nick because she feels somehow responsible ![]() for him just like with the children, but maybe also because she took him out of jails in the first place so maybe sh's afraid he might get into trouble again, but I REALLY thinks she wonders because she CARES ![]() ![]() Concerning Nan, I think it was good that she said the truth because she felt guilty and felt it was the right thing to do, rather than because someone else told her it was the right thing to do, that's how we learn, from our own experience, not from someone else's, still IMHO. And concerning Jo's not giving enough credit to Nick, I think it's because, whatever she may say, she has a lot of prejudices, not necessarily against Nick, but against playing poker, and since Nick plays poker...And I think she asks Laurie because she trusts him, for she knows him better than she knows Nick, but it will turn out she didn't know him that well... - jo scully Good questions, Margot.~~~Do you think it was any of Jo's business to wonder where Nick was all night just because he works for her? Was it nosiness or was it her feelings for him that motivated the question or both?~~~ - I think Jo was a bit concerned and curious. ~~~Nan used Nat's story to impress Franz. Did the temporary cheating help her or hinder her?~~~ - She thought it would help, but it really hindered her. Nat was angry that she used his story (of course--who wouldn't be?) and she got into hard spots as to how to explain the meaning of the story. I can't remember all of the rest of the episode, but she did have a hard time keeping up her act and her cheating definately made things worse. ~~~What lesson did Laurie learn concerning playing poker and his daughter Bess?~~~ He learned that family is more important than winning or having a good time with his "buddies". (Something like that, anyway. =)) He lost his daughter's respect when she saw him playing poker and using the cufflinks she gave him. ~~~How did Nick end up being more responsible than Laurie and why didn't Jo give Nick enough credit? Is it because Laurie is more polished and Nick isn't and that's what Jo looks at~~~ -Nick was trying to keep an eye on Laurie and get him to stop betting, knowing Laurie would get into trouble eventually. I think Jo didn't give Nick enough credit because some of Nick's impulsive and dangerous actions in the past...his rough side. Laurie is usually more level-headed and hasn't had a past of gambling. ~~~How did Jo's strategic way get Nan to confess to cheating?~~~ -I don't really remember everything, but I think Jo tried to get Nan to confess by having the newspaper interview her. She knew Nan would probably have trouble answering some of the questions, as proved true. I can't remember exactly why/how Nan confessed, though. ~JO ~~~What did you think of Jo's above comments to Nick?~~~ -I think she was showing her love for Nick in those comments. She confessed that she was wrong for not trusting Nick, but wanted him to know it was because she cared about him, even in her ignorance of Nick's true actions. - Melissa (aka:
Honey Bee) |